Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Even BIGGER ,SCARIER Things Made Small/My First Trail 55K

Well I did it!! I completed my first ultra marathon!! 50K that was really a 55K 34miles. The group I ran with decided to embrace the extra 5k miles we got for free when registering for a 50k and just enjoy the extra miles.I have been a runner for 32 years and run 25-30 miles a week all those years. I have no idea why I made the decision to register for my first ultra this year except for the fact that I was enjoying putting a lot of miles in this summer during beautiful weather.
I have to say up front that I actually have a love/hate relationship with trail running. I adore the trails and woods and paths and trees. I live in the woods and embrace all things earthy.My problem with trail running comes from the fact that I am a natural klutz.No really-I just am. So consequently tripping on trails is common place for me. It is not about whether I will fall ,but when. It is about hoping I will not be too injured to continue running.So with that said, my mental block regarding tripping is my hugest hurdle.
I have been thinking about how to write this and realized diving in is just the best way.I really feel unqualified to call myself an ultrarunner even after my first 50K. I know that seems really lame. At ultras I feel especially unqualified to stand at the start line with all of the great trail runners around me. We all have our stuff-but seeing them glide downhill trails with ease just keeps me in awe. Some day...
My first 50k started by being woken up by the sound of pretty strong winds while sleeping at my son's house. I was planning on camping in my Yukon at the park,but opted for comfort as it was chilly.I decided at least I would get a little sleep that way.So when I heard the wind I thought-oh goody cold wind,but at least no rain.I got up at 4:15 which seems now to be my standard subconscious race wake up time . Got ready and headed out as my son helped me pack all my stuff back into my vehicle.
 The 2 greatest stresses of racing alone are:
1) Not losing your keys- this includes any time the night before as well as before and during the race
2) Not getting lost or being late to the race start.
I was good to go on both accounts.There was a tense moment as I wasn't sure I was on the right road at 5:30am-but I was fine.
Fast forward to Murphy-Hanrahan park in Savage,Mn.I had done Muscle Milk Woodsy 9 mile race in Sept,so I was familiar with the park. After parking and going to pick up my race packet,I realized how cold it was with the wind.I had worn capris,and was really questioning that now.I was going to change in the car but decided since my top light stays on forever -not a great idea. Fortunately I had packed tons of clothing options.Grabbed my leggings and went and changed. I had also packed a bug out bag to leave at one of the aid stations which included everything I would ever need in any emergency,except a needle(to puncture blisters) I realized later. Had my trusty UltrAspire vest and handheld,headlamp, and Altra Lone Peak trail shoes on. Anyway.I was ready!! As the start time approached I went to hang out at the bonfire with all the other 50kers,just like I belonged there. It was darn chilly with the wind and the fire felt great.
As I was wearing my reflective Monster jacket from last year, someone commented - wasn't that going on right now. I said yes ,that I had chosen this instead. So there I was -this was a choice....I was choosing to be here in the cold ,dark and run 34 miles. No turning back! This was 2 17 miles loops.
We all made our way to the start . My new head lamp burning brightly that I had never run with yet...yea I know..I am like that. So after a casual greeting from the RD it was go time!! As I walked to the start I found myself standing in the front-NOOOOOOOOOOOO,so I flipped around and meandered to the comfortable back of the pack.The one thing I did know was -I wasn't going to be fast!!
After we started and I realized I could actually see the ground to run, a super friendly girl came up next to me and said she liked my pace.I think she was just being polite as later it turned off she blazed off into the sunrise.But anyway,she and another girl and guy turned out to be be great company.The guy chatted awhile and as we were talking I realized I WAS running in the dark!!I was ok! After a few miles gradually without even noticing, the sun began to shed light on the trail and I relaxed a lot. I am not sure when it happened but during these first few miles Lisa was there. At the time I had no idea what that would mean for me later. She was going on  and on about how she was an ultra runner in the Marathon Maniacs club and the 50 states club and how many ultras she had done. In my head all I could think of is why in the world am I running next to her??She will leave me in the dust!! Plus she is even from Colorado no less!!!  I mean seriously??I have no trails to train on and barely hills where I live!! It was absolutely fascinating to hear her stories.She has run all over the country on awesome trails.
I really don't remember much of the first part of the race.I remember passing the first several mile markers and next thing I knew we were at an aid station. I knew enough to force myself to eat a banana section right away as I had no breakfast. After running some more miles we settled into what was a nice pace for me. Our group of 5 were running and talking so contently that next we knew we were standing on a serene hill looking out over fields,no marking flags in sight.Fortunately with Lisa's expertise she realized instantly that we were off course and turned us all around.She then announced that we were now official ultra runners as getting off course is part of ultrarunning. We turned around ,got back on course and still kept talking. Eventually we landed at the Horse camp aid station. Here we opted for chicken broth as the wind was fairly chilly. Then onward and upward. At this point we lost Wynter,Kelly and the guy (Tom??). Wynter took off in a blaze and finished well before we did,I saw later. So Lisa and I set off . As we were running we came upon Smurph Village.Aptly named.. At this point there were hills and woods and Lisa tripped on a huge stick coming up out of the ground.I only mention this because I absolutely recorded this in my brain for the second loop.So far I hadn't fallen yet. As we progressed,the rest of this is a blur. Next thing I knew we were at the start/finish and done with loop 1!! Yea!! We stopped at the aid station and I met Brent and Susan Peterson. They are facebook friends and she was running the 25K. We visited and I pulled out my almond butter sandwich. As  I was talking Lisa was leaving the aid station and said she would see me later. She said "You will catch up with me, you always do!"  I knew I had to move fast away from the aid station so the thought of dropping at 25K didn't enter my mind. I was feeling ok,but decided to walk downhill and eat my sandwich. I figured that would be the last I saw of Lisa anyway as she was a "real" ultrarunner. I was feeling ok,just low on energy.I think I probably didn't have enough calories at this point.Also now that I remember this is the point my back began to hurt. I walked awhile here. Then I decided to take Ibuprofen to nip my back pain (even though that never helps it). It was worth a try. As I was walking I looked up and saw a grove of  Aspen trees with gorgeous yellow leaves.Yellow covered the sky and carpeted the ground as the sun came through the grove. I chatted with a squirrel and just took in the beauty of the day.Who cares, I thought ,how long it takes me?? After all my friend Krista Cavender had made it ok for me to DFL ,just to make me feel better. After some time passed,my back miraculously started feeling better and I began running again. I ran uphill ,I ran downhill,and uphill some more and downhill some more...then I heard not in my head.They seemed close but no one came up behind me for quite a while. Next thing you know I meet 2 new friends.Melissa and Mary.It was Mary's first ultra too. We had a lot in common.Melissa chatted casually and kept us well entertained as she had run many ultras also. Next ting I knew we were at the Horse camp again!! Ok ,now you get to horse camp twice in each loop so some of this is blurring together.  There was Lisa!!!! I was never so thrilled to see anyone!! I yelled at her as she was about to leave.She was gracious enough to wait for me and ran with the 3 of us the rest of the race. Well her stories kept us going for hours!! At one point I got engulfed by a crowd (as the 50milers were passing us regularly now)and all of my friends got well ahead of me. I thought everything was fine and then BAM!..Sally on the ground.Well we all knew that was coming.It was a wonder it took this long! Big issue was that my right knee hit the ground (just a scrape-no injury) but at the same moment my right calf cramped right into a TIGHT ball. Ok-here it is I thought. I sat there a moment an looked up and absolutely no one was around. So I sat long enough to relax my calf muscle.Ok -no problem- My actual injured left knee was great and hadn't even hit the ground!! YEA!!! I was fine!!! Now I can run-ok I walked some to make sure I wasn't injured. Then I began slowing running in a beautiful woods. Just enjoy and RELAX I told myself.If you never see any of your friends again-you are just fine!!! So calmly running through the woods there was a right turn coming up and who do I see but LISA and a group of people running towards me!!! What??? I asked if I was off course and they said -no they took a wrong turn so I saw them just in time to make the correct turn! So Lisa and I and Melissa and Mary ended up running the last 1/2 of the second loop togther. We hiked some, ran some ,hiked some,ran some.We hit the Natchez aid station and found almond joys and SOMEMORES!!!!!Some wonderful man was making somemores for us!! I was thrilled! That held me for awhile.We were all happy.
After running/hiking for awhile we enjoyed each others company and stories and gradually settled into a good pace. Somehow Lisa and I picked up our pace a little and ended up a ways ahead of Mary and Melissa. As we pulled into the Horse camp aid station for the last time I was greeted by "Sally??" It was Melissa Eibner!! A facebook friend who had also done the Afton race.She was volunteering at Horse camp and was so kind to take pics of us as we came in!! So fun to meet people from the Twin Cities that I talk to online! Lisa made sure we got on our way quickly to end this last leg of our journey!!!
When we headed into Smurph Village the last time I was smart enough to actually remember to look out for Lisa's stick! I was proud of myself!
I have forgotten to mention the "Pike's Peak" of Savage,Mn. We went through on the first loop and yes it is a HUGE climb.However downhill was MUCH worse!! As I am not adept at downhills;on this one I literally had to grab a hold of trees going down. Now seems as good as time as any to mention little petite Lisa's affinity for downhills.It is amazing to watch.She looked like a little wood nymph gliding downhills gracefully.And on "Pike's Peak" downhill it was just a thing of athletic beauty to watch her float down this treacherous path. She was so cute when we would get to the downhills,she would say"meet you at the bottom!!" and she always did!! Like I said she carried me through...
So funny though-at the top of the second loop of "Pike's Peak"  I said to her.Hey,that seemed way easier this time going up !! That gave me hope for future 50ks. "Pike's Peak" is near the end.The miles blur together. Once you are down it though you know you are home safe. A few more miles and we rounded the curve and saw the FINISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a glorious sight!! I was SO excited!! I think I could have kept going for awhile (no not another loop tho).Because we had run/hiked the second loop I felt really good. My quads were feeling it ,but not too bad. I had been worried I may not be able to drive home,so I was prepared for that. SO excited!! We got to brand our finisher's wooden medal with a 50K(which we all decided should have said 55K-especially for extra off course mileage).I was so excited though I just let the guy brand it for me!  We then waited awhile to see Mary and Melissa come into the finish.We got a quick picture and Lisa and I went to pick our drop bags up at horse camp. A fun day. We hugged each other and exchanged emails and parted ways.
The logistics of the race were great.The start/finish brought us back to our car mid race plus we could leave a drop bag at horse camp.So either way I was covered. That helped a lot;especially dropping warmer gear after the first loop.
I drove home in bliss.I immediately called everyone I knew.My son Ben was gracious enough to offer me another night in his bed if I couldn't drive home.I was fine.I knew I would be stiff after 2 hours in the car ride home ,but I was just fine.

All of my dear ultra friends have offered wonderful advise.I can't begin to thank you enough. I am beyond happy that I conquered my goal of doing my first 50k at 56 years old.
Renee Bjork -thank you for giving me the motivation by your example.
Vanessaruns advise of run it aid station to aid station and have fun was just what I needed.
Trisha Reeves advise of ,find someone your own pace and run the race together worked beautifully for me.Thank you ladies! Although I have to say I think Lisa was just being nice,but I certainly appreciated it!!
All of the rest of you are so helpful all the time!!Oh and Iris and Josh Sutcliffe-I ate tons of Barnanas in your honor!!
Lastly -my dear husband who endures countless hours of me out running and training and countless hours of dog,cat and parrot sitting-deserves a medal of patience. He is a gem.
My official time was 9:13 (about 8:30 at 31 miles we figured).We had done 20miles by noon.
I did have 'since I have been a runner for 32 yrs should have known better issue'. My Altra Lone Peak trail shoes were brand new.( I know I know-I told ya) My right foot was totally fine and still is-no blisters -nothing!! BUT my left big toe slammed into the shoe numerous times downhill as it was slightly too big.
My right foot has a huge bunion and for ONCE it served a great purpose-it actually prevented my right foot from moving inside my shoe. So my left big toenail is toast.It had a HUGE blood blister under the whole toenail which I did self surgery on when I got home. I know -disgusting-right-but hey-most of you reading this are runners so you get it. Because of this ,I would have had a serious problem doing another loop for the 50miler if I was doing it.Anyway to me that is wonderful that I had no real injuries!! I am stoked to go again-next spring!! Did I mention Lisa was doing another 50K the NEXT day??? What a woman!!!

Me and Lisa Nicholls

I didn't see an eagle overhead on race day...but saw two the day before at the shop.

Still a phoenix......ever upward!!!

Mary,Lisa,Me, Melissa
Again...big scary things are only little unknown things you knock out one at a time......